Welcome, to The HorseNet, a community for horse people and businesses! We’re excited you’re here! We want this site to create value for you and the horse community; it’s our passion!
Welcome to The HorseNet! Founder, Marsha Martin, and Gustafus James. (Photo courtesy of Lance Myers)
Are you running into problems trying to sell horses and horse related items via social media platforms? Have you ever had to review your records to determine the next time your horse was due to have it’s teeth floated? Or, have you struggled to find an event to go to – only to learn that it was LAST weekend? Finally, how are you finding businesses or clubs that don’t have a web presence? Or worse, are you spending money on your existing horse business website without getting results?
We experienced these struggles – which started this ball rolling! One idea literally lead to the next. Now, The HorseNet is a site that supports horse health management, including personalized calendars for users with events, personal appointments and reminders about horse health management and events!
Premium members can select their areas of interest so they receive notifications about upcoming events. (Oh, and the flyers that include interactive map directions are EASY to find, on members’ personal calendars!) A robust business search along with business and club web page templates help businesses create their web presence so horse people connect with the businesses they need.
Finally, the MarketPlace… OH the MarketPlace! A FREE place to buy, sell or trade anything and everything horse related! This includes the bit you haven’t used for three years or a horse you’re interested in selling.
As avid horse lovers that have been in the horse industry for over 35 years, we recognized a need for the horse community to have an affordable platform that facilitates engagement, communication and commerce!
Folks, we’re here to build communities! This site is new in 2020! If you are a member that is looking to increase the footprint of The HorseNet in your area, send us an email, we’d like to help! We appreciate everyone helping us spread the word – the more people who interact using The HorseNet, the more the site will give back to everyone.