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As a newly launched site, this FAQ isn’t very robust.  Keep checking back for more!  We are expecting to add content frequently as we receive feedback throughout the launch!

Q:  Is there an app for this?   

A:  There’s an app for Android!  The iOS app is in the works.  In the meantime, you can add the web link to the home screen on your mobile device to make it easy to find The HorseNet!

Instructions for adding a link to The HorseNet to your IOS device:

  1. Launch Safari on your ‌iPhone‌ or ‌iPad‌.
  2. Navigate to the site that you want to create a Home screen shortcut to.
  3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen. (If you don’t see the action, scroll to the bottom and tap Edit Actions, then tap Add next to the Add to Home Screen action. After that, you’ll be able to select it from the Share Sheet.)

Q:  What if I don’t see a category I need?

A:  This is a brand new site, and we really tried to add everything!  With that being said, we knew there would be updates to be made!  Your feedback is essential and welcome here!  Help us make The HorseNet better for everyone!

Q:  What do the horse “pages” look like?  

A:  Click here to see an example of a horse page!  (The horse is named in honor and in memory of Charlie Daniels.)

Q:  When I’m adding a horse to my profile, do I need to fill out all of the information?

A:  The fields are there for you to use as you see fit!  Add the details that will be helpful to you as you manage your horse(s)!

Q:  What is “search engine optimization”, and how will it help me?

A:  This is commonly referred to as “SEO”.  The HorseNet will automatically get you excellent search engine results for your business, your events, or your Marketplace items!  If you already have a business page, you can link your existing page to your page on The HorseNet to boost the stand-alone web page you have!

Q:  Do I need to be a member to see businesses, events or items on the Marketplace?

A:  Everyone can see business listings, events and Marketplace items!  Premium members will receive notifications of events posted in their area that match the event types they’re interested in!